The Albion Dance Band

Here We Come
Albion Folk
Shirley Collins and the Albion Country Band
No Roses
The Albion Country Band
The Battle Of The Field
The Albion Dance Band
The Prospect Before Us
Albion Band 1998 - 1999
Before Us Stands Yesterday

Simon Nicol - electric guitar, acoustic guitar, piano
Michael Gregory - drums, nakers, percussion
Phil Pickett - curtals, shawms, recorders, crumhorns, bagpipes, rackets, chalumeaux, synthesiser
John Sothcott - vielle, citole, crumhorn
Graeme Taylor - electric guitar, piano
Ashley Hutchings (leader) - electric bass guitar
Shirley Collins - vocals
Eddie Upton (caller) - vocals
John Tams - vocals, melodeon
John Rodd - concertina, tambourine, vocals
Dave Mattacks - drums, piano, electric piano

the albion bands is
© 2006/2007/2008 albionchronicles
all rights reserved