Albion Folk

Here We Come
Albion Folk
Shirley Collins and the Albion Country Band
No Roses
The Albion Country Band
The Battle Of The Field
The Albion Dance Band
The Prospect Before Us
Albion Band 1998 - 1999
Before Us Stands Yesterday

Who hasn't been in the Albion Band, not many people it would seem, the list goes on and on



Steve Ashley
Julie Covington
Sue Draheim
Barry Dransfield
Melanie Harold
Michael Hebbert
Eric Hine
Anthony Ingle
Terry Potter
Alan Prosser
Andy Roberts
Martin Simpson
June Tabor
Roger Williams
Royston  Wood


Paul Beer
Polly Bolton
Dave Bristow
Martin Carthy
Max Clifford
Julie Covington
Pat Donaldson
Andy Fairweather-Low
Robert Fulcher
Joe  Giddey
Jo  Hamilton
John Iveson
Kate MacGarrigle
Dave Mattacks
Martin Nicholls
Gillie  Nicols
Caroline Pearsall
Tracey Redfern
Colin Sheen
Cliff Stapleton
Linda Thompson
Richard Thompson
Diane Walmsley
Kellie While
Mark Wilkinson
Glyn Williams
Bill Zorn

Paul Beer

Phil Beer

Martin Bell

Dave Bristow

Joe Broughton

Pete Bullock

Bill Caddick

Simon Care

Martin Carthy

Shirley Collins

Julie Covington

Howard Evans

Andy Fairweather-Low

Trevor Foster

Joe Giddey

Michael Gregory

Sue Harris

Keith Hinchliffe

Ashley Hutchings

John Kirkpatrick

Chris Leslie

Cathy Lesurf

Neil Marshall

Dave Mattacks

Julie Matthews

John Maxwell

Doug Morter

Simon Nicol

Ken Nicol

Gillie Nicholls

Caroline Pearsall

Phil Pickett

Brian Protheroe

Jean-Pierre Rasle

Tracey Redfern

Ashley Reed

John Rodd

Ric Saunders

Steve Saunders

Colin Sheen

John Shepherd

Martin Simpson

John Sothcott

Cliff Stapleton

Roger Swallow

John Tams

Graeme Taylor

Richard Thompson

Eddie Upton

Diane Walmsley

Dave Whetstone

Chris While

Kellie While

Mark Wilkinson

Glyn Williams

Bill Zorn

Pete Zorn

the albion bands is
© 2006/2007/2008 albionchronicles
all rights reserved